Friday, December 24, 2010

So where is Vicenza anyway?

Vicenza is in northeastern Italy on the southern plains of the Italian Alps.
Click on the name for a google map. Our home in Torri di Quartesolo is just outside of Vicenza to the southeast. It's like going to from Norfolk to Virginia Beach (for our Virginia friends) or Crafton to Elliott (for our Pittsburgh friends) or Kingston to Wilkes-Barre (for NE PA friends). If it wasn't for the sign, you'd never know you've changed neighborhoods.

It has been raining since we got here so we haven't ventured out into the neighborhood yet, but we're looking forward to checking out our neighborhood pizza place - Crazy Pizza - when the rain stops.

Observations about Italy that make us smile......

This is the key for the deadbolt on our front door.
It makes me think of living in a castle.

The oven tempeture settings are in Celsius.
We have a cheat sheet conversion chart.

The cabinet for the dishes has a rack and is located directly over the sink. It's bottomless! Wash the dishes and put them away wet.

The post exchange sells only American electric devices. You have to buy converters to plug anything you buy at the exchange into the Italian electrical grid.

Buona Notte, amici.

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